Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Avatar - The Last Airbender

Thanks to my brother I have recently become hooked on Avatar The Last Airbender. To make myself feel like I'm doing something productive while I work my way through the DVD's I have been sketching Aang.


  1. Looking forward to seeing a finished image from the sketches :o)

  2. Leigh, I freak'n love your illustration style!!! so much character and personality and I want badly to pass that on to my work. Keep up the great work!!!!!!

  3. Mike - Stay tuned then Mike. I was thinking about doing a little animation test with him at some point.

    Derrick - Thanks for the compliments. I should have some character designs for the Space anthology soon. It's taking me some time to write...(create) a good story.

    1. All good buddy!! Just glad you are on board and please let me know when/if you need any help!

      Best to ya!
